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Tokens for Bags at Buffalo Exchange – January – June 2019

Buffalo Exchange 3005 Central Ave. NE, Albuquerque

We are happy to announce that we've been selected as a recipient of the Buffalo Exchange Tokens for Bags® program from January through June 2019. You can now donate to us just by shopping at Buffalo Exchange. Instead of a plastic bag, the Tokens for Bags® program offers every customer who makes a purchase one “token” valued at five cents ...

60 Hikes within 60 Miles 3rd addition celebration

Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge 7851 2nd Street SW, Albuquerque

We're really excited 60 Hikes within 60 Miles Albuquerque released a 3rd edition this year! It has plenty of new hikes, beautiful photographs and easy to follow trail descriptions and maps. And, Valle de Oro NWR has a hike included in this edition! Please join us this Friday, June 14th 6-7:30 pm, with author David Ryan to celebrate the 3rd ...